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…we have to get off this island

Lost – 2-hour finale thursday 9/8c

This is it. The two hour season finale. This season has answered so many question, however, the answers always lead to more questions. If you go to the Lost homepage you can actually upload your “LOST” theories. What do the numbers mean? What exactly is the Dharma initiative? Who are “the others“? What is the black smoke? Is the island a time machine or black hole? How come Hurley hasn’t lost any weight? We all have our thoughts. The most interesting theory i’ve come across is the time loop theory. (thanks Fred and Lew)

Anyways, tomorrow is the season finale, so don’t forget to tune in and watch.

The Office: What is this… Toby is gone???

I was just checking out “The Office” web site, and it seems that Toby is on his way out during the season finale.
the site says:
It’s Toby’s (Paul Lieberstein) goodbye party at Dunder Mifflin and
Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) demands a huge celebration
that matches the joy in his heart.

It’s going to be a 1 hour finale. I can’t believe it’s already done.