Blog Archives


friend : one attached to another by affection or esteem
: a favored companion

acquaintance, ally, alter ego, associate, bosom buddy, buddy, chum, classmate, cohort, colleague, companion, compatriot, comrade, consort, cousin, crony,
familiar, intimate, mate, pal, partner, playmate, roommate, schoolmate,
sidekick, soul mate, spare, well-wisher

How influential have friends been in your life?
In what ways have your friends influenced your life?

At THE WAVE, we are about to kick off a series called Pirates vs. Ninjas.  It’s going to be all about choosing your friends, fighting battles together, picking your friendship battles, ect.  When I think back on the history of my friendships I think about those friends who have really sculpted me into the person that I am… the person God continues to shape me into.

Preston taught me how to fight for the underdogs and introduced me to Christ.  John showed me to laugh at life and myself.  Erick taught me to what it is to really be a nice guy (I wish his coolness had rubbed off).  Jay taught me how to talk my way into or out of just about any situation in life.  Rusty pointed out how to be giving and to love Christ more deeply and authentically.  Micah helped me to develop discipline, and to understand discipleship.  Pete helped me to see how to be motivated and content at the same time.  Currently I have a whole new crew who are helping to show me wisdom, consistency, compassion.  My best friend:  Summer Joy, constantly teaches me about love, peace, trust, hope, and home.

*by the way, I’ve left out dozens of people, friends who have shaped my life and whom I love deeply.

Friendship is a powerful thing!  How has friendship moved you, changed you, developed you???
If you were teaching teens what would say to them?  What would you warn them of?  How would your encourage them?

13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13

A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.  Proverbs 18:24

How influential have friends been in your life?
In what ways have your friends influenced your life?

leave me a comment:  facebook, twitter, blog, or email

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Pirate or Ninja??? What say you…

The Fan

The Fan

Let’s face it, some FANS are just plain crazy. From dressing up in full costume, to painting the name of their favorite team across their bare chest, FANS embody what true passion and loyalty are all about. In fact, it’s part of God’s plan for man to be a fan.  During this series, you will be challenged to live a life of passion and loyalty to your King.

One of the most fun weekends ever at Church by the Glades so don’t miss the next two weeks of “The Fan”.   Come dressed up, come with groups of friends, come rowdy to cheer as a passionate fan of God.

Service Times:
Saturday @ 5:00 & 6:30pm
Sunday @ 8:30, 9:45 & 11:15am
Sunday @ 12:45 & 6:00pm

New Series: The Wave CBG Student Ministry

Our latest Series for The Wave Student ministry is Taboo

1 : forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers
2 : banned on grounds of morality or taste

In our society where everything is “relative” and nothing seems to be out of bounds, it’s difficult to tell right from wrong. Taboo is a four week reminder that there are life limitations, that boundary does not equal boring, and that what we look at, what we say, what we listen to, and choices that we make not only affect us, but also those around us.