Blog Archives

Let Creativity Ring

I absolutely love creative thoughts, thinking, sharing, dreaming, and borrowing.  It’s a huge part of what our team values and strives to produce.  For me the creative process is fun, I also get that for others it’s a chore.  Either way, creativity is a necessity to continue developing programs, organizations, teams, and future opportunities.  In order to grow creatively you’ve got to let creativity ring.  There’s a danger in having a “know-it-all” or “we’ve always done it this way” attitude.  I’m going to have a few follow up posts on “Letting Creativity Ring”.

One of the most creative videos I’ve ever seen… Check it out

Take 3 minutes and check this out.
Then lets get together and recreate it just for fun.

Creativity alone deepens and widens any project, but you add fun to the mix and you get something phenominal.

I love creative videos and this band put the EXTRA in Extraordinary!

OK GO…  Who’s in???

I know I am!